A machine watching out for suspicious activity 24/7.
Just like you we are constantly evolving and are ready to respond to niche specific abuse by developing custom learning algorithms.
Business owner or integration programmer – you will be understood, never hesitate to reach out with questions or feedback.
Well documented API and expert support will make integration quick.
Import existing abusers information and use your local database and the StopFraud Cloud.
Run as many manual checks as you want with captcha
Local and crowdsourced database options, use a set of data sources and algorithms in a way suitable for your business. Check data manually or trough the API and make decisions instantly.
Recognize fake profiles and content abuse faster with our set of tools and guidelines.
Spot bad practices and suspicious activity fast with our real time visitors analytics, traffic spikes assessment and sources credibility. Feature is coming soon.
Understand the nature of threats with our analytics dashboard to make educated decisions on your fraud protection policies and assessing risk levels.
First 14 days free! No credit card, contracts, or setup fees required.
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